Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Toilet matters

My hubby is now a certified PERC tester for the state of Utah. (Yes, I'm so proud.) This means he can help people design and build onsite wastewater systems. In otherwords he can officially help people in rural areas get rid of their crap. (I'm so proud.) I keep telling myself that it's just something he's going to do while finishing school while my mind keeps going back to laundry issues...

On another similar note, anyone know how to decrease the water use of your toilet? I've heard of putting a brick or rock in there to displace water. What will that do? I just have been using it (le toilete) a lot lately, and wondered.


Lesley said...

Two suggestions:

1. If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown flush it down.

2. When you have your own house, install double-flush toilets: push button quickly for only a little water flow, hold it down for it to send more water for heavier water needs.

Katie said...

It just makes it so less water is used per flush. If you don't want to use a brick, you can fill a quart bottle, or quart plastic milk jug. But just wait, little girls have to go to the bathroom constatnly!

Amelia said...

Haha, I can't stop laughing. We are so proud of Josh too.