I have been called a closet nerd before. During the time I worked at a National Guard Training facility, we had a self proclaimed nerd who would always say "roger roger". You know... like those droids on Star Wars I... Well anyway, I was the only one who got it and would laugh at him when he used it with military guys.
But I digress. In between watching videos of Michael Buble sing Spiderman and Lyra kick it with an armored polar bear, I watch clips from the television show Stargate. Since I don't have cable or satellite, I don't have the Sci-Fi channel, which really is a good thing in my case, so, I've been catching up on what has been happening in the last three years. Well, I've discovered that the writers are on a killing-off-the-main-characters spree. I just watched part of an episode where they killed off one of my favorite main characters. Don't you hate it when that happens? Anyway, now I kind of don't want to watch it for a while so I have to find something else to get my nerdy kick. Any ideas?
(By the way, the title of this post also deals with something nerdy, so if you don't get it you're cleared from the nerd list.)
As in "so long and thanks for all the fish?" Darn.
I've been wondering about that saying for some time now. Genny has had it on your MSN account for a long time and I've never gotten around to asking her. I still think I'm a nerd though.63+
Oops, I meant Genny's MSN account, not your account. See, I just proved my point. Oh, and I think Polar typed that 63+ thing. Sorry
Amelia you need to read "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy". Then you would understand. There is also a movie by the same title, but the book is better.
I guess this makes me a closet nerd too.
I have seen the movie, (and played the lovely DOS game on our OOOOOOld computer.) I still don't understand.
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