Wednesday, June 08, 2011


I didn't post my second child's birth info or anything like that. Mostly because it all got posted on Facebook. Sometimes when you have to prioritize, you have to make decisions about what gets your attention and what doesn't.

Samuel Victor Hirschi
Born April 13, 2011 Mckay Dee Hospital
8 lbs 11 oz
20.5 in.

What can I say about his labor and delivery. It was pretty good actually. The only pain that I felt was when I was changing positions and wasn't relaxed. He came out en caul, that is to say he had the sac still on him, when he was born. I talked with my doctor about it, and she says that it is extremely rare for a larger baby to be born this way. They try to get smaller babies out like that because it's a cushion for them, but with the big babies, the pressure from pushing usually pops the sac and sprays the dr and nurses. :) It isn't pushing per se in Hypnobirthing, but more of a breathing technique, so it didn't pop.

Sam's been a good baby. He loves to be touched and held.


Katie said...

Cute!!! Love that girl too!

Katrina said...

I guess I need to find you on FB; I had no idea you were expecting! Our third baby (first boy) was born a couple weeks after Sam and I'm looking forward to him smiling and cooing as much as Sam is! What a cutie. How does his sister like him so far?

Don and Becky Larson said...

He is a sweet heart! Love Ya!