Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Running Continued

So, I haven't written about running in a bit, I thought I'd do it some more. It's amazing how fast you go through shoes when your mileage gets higher. Right now I'm on 12 miles. I never thought I would say that running eight miles is a short run. It's crazy fun. My training goes something like this.

Monday is a easy mileage, hard hills day.
Tuesday I rest.
Wednesday is a easy mid-mileage day.
Thursday I rest.
Friday I rest.
Saturday is a very high mileage day.
Sunday I rest.

Repeat same mileage the next week, then push it up the week after that.

Anyway, I need new shoes. I went to a running specialty store where they scanned my feet with cool pressure sensors, measured my stride and foot length. I am a size 8 on my left and a size 8.5 on my right. I have high arches and need extra cushioning for the front of my foot. Well, I didn't buy a shoe at that time. (Nice shoes are expensive.) I would never consider buying any other type of shoe for that kind of price except for running shoes. Meanwhile, I'm hoping my current shoes will hold out until I can get new ones.


Katie said...

I think you are awesome. My current running schedule looks like this. Run for one minute, walk for 3, run for one, walk for
three. Hee hee.

Katrina said...

Wow! That is so cool. And commendable. I have always hated running, but I tell Kirk I'll be a runner in the next life. I get my exercise from aerobics and walking. But I admire all you runners out there!

Sarah said...

Good job, Megan! I love running. And you're right. It's true that you need good running shoes. You can really screw up your knees and stuff if you don't get good ones. Too bad they're so expensive!
How's Layton? Hope it's going well for you guys!