Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Literature and Music (aka. chew toy and noise makers)

No matter how hard I practice it always sounds like rock music...

I'm moving on to big kid books now.


Tori said...

She is so cute. I can't wait to see her and have her and Adam get to know each other.

Don and Becky Larson said...

Look at Liz sit up by herself. It was so good to be with you and Liz on Saturday.

Katie said...

Megan I LOVE the pictures. She has so much personality. Here's to trying to get babies to sleep. Just think, it took Madi 4 years (until we brought Marissa home)to sleep through the night once. Again, she is a doll. Can't wait to see you guys.

Dr. Genevieve Ford said...

Oh I wish I could smother her little face with kisses! What cute shots of Liz. How is the music business for her?