I like to hear myself type. That is why I do it. I create songs that I sing along to in my head. It goes like this. Type type clickly cliklddyyte. Uh oh... I resorted back to the typing instruction days.
Well, today was an enormous day. I went running. Not just running... Running! You know with the runners high and the great feeling of relief when your pacer says that they are done and don't want to sprint in the end. Yeah.
Then, I panicked. I realized that I'm the first person presenting in a class that I don't even like. How am I supposed to impress the teacher when I don't want to impress her.
Then, I felt good about myself. I made cookies and shared them with people. ARen't I nice? Don't you wish that you had a freshly baked cookie. Yeah... me too, but I'm stuck at the computer lab writing a pointless blog that nobody will read.