Wednesday, August 08, 2007

It's still here!

Hey Nobody!

I'm writing in my blog that I completely forgot I even had. Hey, I even forgot how to get to it until I got really bored and looked into my notepad on my Yahoo account. (Just because Google owns this site doesn't mean they own me!) Viva revolsion...


So today I learned about how to not carry a monkey into the U.S. Do not stuff him in your hat. He will eventually give himself away by grabbing your irresistable ponytail.

Ok, so after a year or more Amastrade isn't closer to being done. I think I need to work on it. I mean, Sheesh, I have a laptop now! I could use it! Golly. What am I being bored about...

What was I saying?

Oh yeah, monkeys and beavers are tricky. You never know when they're around. I feel sorry for that grandma who didn't know that and got attacked by the beaver. Silly grandma. You should have listened to your kids.

I love the internet.

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